Binding Options
Saddle Stitching: A method of binding one or more printed sections together, with or without a cover, by means of wire staples (stitches) through the spine and centrefold.
Loop Stitching 2 or 4 wires : A method of binding one or more printed sections together, with or without a cover, by means of loop wire staples (stitches) through the spine and centrefold. The loops enable the printed item to be inserted into a Ring Binder
Perfect Binding: A method for binding printed sheets suitable for binding documents where they are too thick to saddle stitch. Perfect Binding is most commonly used on paperback books.
PUR Binding : Is very similar to perfect binding. But uses a more durable and flexible glue. It is nearly impossible to remove pages from a PUR Bound book, and the spine doesn’t deteriorate with age.
Thread Section Sewn :Similar to perfect binding, the sections are gathered in order, sewn together using thread, adhesive applied to the sewn spine, and the cover attached (drawn on) and formed around the book.
Wiro Binding:A method for binding loose leaves using a series of metal wire loops formed from a single continuous wire run through punched holes on the binding edge. It allows for products to lie completely flat when opened, but can be less durable than the other binding options.
Loop Stitching 2 or 4 wires : A method of binding one or more printed sections together, with or without a cover, by means of loop wire staples (stitches) through the spine and centrefold. The loops enable the printed item to be inserted into a Ring Binder
Perfect Binding: A method for binding printed sheets suitable for binding documents where they are too thick to saddle stitch. Perfect Binding is most commonly used on paperback books.
PUR Binding : Is very similar to perfect binding. But uses a more durable and flexible glue. It is nearly impossible to remove pages from a PUR Bound book, and the spine doesn’t deteriorate with age.
Thread Section Sewn :Similar to perfect binding, the sections are gathered in order, sewn together using thread, adhesive applied to the sewn spine, and the cover attached (drawn on) and formed around the book.
Wiro Binding:A method for binding loose leaves using a series of metal wire loops formed from a single continuous wire run through punched holes on the binding edge. It allows for products to lie completely flat when opened, but can be less durable than the other binding options.